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In this fast-moving industry, BioCT keeps policy makers and influencers abreast of the latest developments and changing needs of the life science community.
Senator Cohen, Representative Lemar, Senator Hwang, Representative Kennedy, and members of the Transportation Committee, thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony in support of SENATE BILL 277, AN ACT RESTORING SERVICES ON THE SHORE LINE EAST RAIL LINE.
My name is Jodie Gillon, and I am the President and CEO ofBioCT. BioCT is a leading voice for the life science industry in Connecticut. Our mission is to catalyze and accelerate growth in the life sciences with the goal of improving human health, by fostering a rich, innovative ecosystem and promoting Connecticut as a preferred destination for life science exploration and innovation. Our members include life and healthcare science companies, major research universities and other academic institutions, health centers, medical device developers and manufacturers and other partners. We educate, cultivate entrepreneurship, support the growth of life science companies and collaborate to ensure a sustainable, high-value life science and healthcare community that improves our quality of life and keeps the Connecticut economy strong.
On behalf of our organization, I would like to voice my support for SB 277. This bill requires the Connecticut Department of Transportation to restore service on the Shore Line East rail line to the same level of service that existed prior to the reduction in service due to the COVID-19 public health emergency and the civil preparedness emergency declared by the Governor on March 10,2020.
BioCT links together the pharmaceutical, life science, medical device, healthcare and emerging digital health community in the state. We support the growth of emerging companies and start-ups, as well as the recruitment of new companies and industry services, to continue to expand our ecosystem and the strength of our state economy. It is essential that Connecticut has the necessary efficient and affordable transportation amenities to support our industry and the overall economy. SB 277 reinforces service for the Shore Line East Rail Line that would support the membership ofBioCT in its effort to maintain and attract the necessary trained workforce in the life science industry.
Thank you for your consideration of this testimony. Please support SB 277.
Respectfully submitted,
Jodie Gillon
President & CEO, BioCT