The Roundup – March 2, 2023

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March 2, 2023
Alexion Pharmaceuticals is committed to working with the patient community and health care stakeholders worldwide to address the challenges facing the rare disease community. Together, during Rare Disease Week (and every day) we can make a powerful difference.
Check BioCT‘s LinkedIn every day as we celebrate Rare Disease Week and our members working in this important field!
Innovators Ignite: March 7, 2023

Registration Now Open!

During International Women’s week, Yale Ventures’ amplifyHERscience will host Innovators Ignite to celebrate and promote diversity in innovation at Yale and in Connecticut. The day-long event will showcase 10 founders and inventors from Yale and greater Connecticut with two keynotes, a panel discussion, and networking opportunities.

Meet with FreeThink President Ken WatermanFreeThink President Ken Waterman will be in New York City during DCAT Week, March 20-23, and is available to meet if you are attending the event. Reach out to Carolyn Rothfeld to set an appointment now!

FreeThink en France! 

FreeThink will be in Marseille, France, on March 20–21 for the 4th European Conference on Pharmaceutics, where we will be exhibiting and presenting posters on ASAPprime® and OzmoCAP®. Come say hi—we’ll be at booth 34.

Drug Hunter Premium – Complimentary Access for BioCT Members for a Limited Time

BioCT is pleased to partner with Drug Hunter, a Connecticut Employer, to provide extended free trials of Drug Hunter Premium to BioCT members this quarter. BioCT members can request access by submitting this request form, with “BioCT” in the comments, by Mar. 31st.

Recent Drug Hunter content our BioCT R&D leaders may find particularly interesting include:

2022 Novel Small Molecule Drug Approvals, with deep-dives on each novel approval

Molecules of the Month, a round-up of notable molecules in the literature and news

Billion-Dollar Molecules, and Other Molecules in the News, including M&As

Additional Open-Access resources BioCT members may find helpful in your work include:

Drug Discovery Posters and Resources, including pKa cheat sheets and other reference materials

PK Calculators to estimate human dose and plan experiments

Drug Hunter CRO Directory to help find new partners for your R&D efforts.

Drug Hunter “Flash Talk” Webinar Series featuring interviews with R&D innovators like Andrew Wilks, the discoverer of the JAK enzyme family

You can get updates on new content, resources, events, and more by signing up for the Drug Hunter mailing list.

The Call for Nominations for the 2023 CT Medal of Science is open (March 9 deadline)Eligible nominees are individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of science in Connecticut. For this competition, science spans the physical and biological disciplines as well as mathematics, engineering, and the social and behavioral sciences. The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) facilitates the nomination and selection process on behalf of the Office of the Governor.

Nomination Instructions and Information can be found here and the nomination here.

Finding Ethics in an Overcrowded Lifeboat – Hosted by UConn TCS 

TODAY, March 2, 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Saying, “But I didn’t know” won’t keep you out of trouble or even jail. Learn business-ethics basics through a fun, interactive webinar many people call, “The best I have ever attended!” Robert Zafft’s introduction to business ethics came during Russia’s wild 1990s…

Networking, Women Winemakers, and an Optional Tasting – Hosted by WIB CT 

TODAY, March 2, 5:30 – 6:45 pm

Join us for this virtual event featuring the journey of three women winemakers, followed by an opportunity for networking. Feel free to bring a beverage of your choice to enjoy or participate in a wine tasting of three wines by the winemakers.

Innovator’s Ignite Pitch Showcase – Hosted by Yale Ventures’ amplifyHerscience 

Tuesday, March 7

During International Women’s Week this year, Yale Ventures’ amplifyHERscience will be hosting Innovators Ignite, a showcase that will feature 8-10 underrepresented founders/inventors from Yale and greater Connecticut.

Sharing Stories – The Good, the Bad, and the Way Forward After Career Breaks – Hosted by WIB 

Wednesday, March 8, 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Career breaks happen, from redundancy to maternity leave and any number of reasons in between. Perhaps you are returning from a recent career break and looking for advice or considering a sabbatical but are worried it will damage your career.