Career Newsletter – March 15, 2022

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Career News – March 15, 2022 
Career Center
Artizan Biosciences 
Cellifinity Bio 
FreeThink Technologies 

University of Connecticut 

Call for Mentors

Do you have skills that you’re able to share as a mentor as part of Yale’s amplifyHERscience program, which encourages and supports women innovators? If yes, please follow this link to share your areas of expertise and your bandwidth.

The first opportunity for mentors is Innovators Ignite, a virtual pitch event co-hosted with Princeton on March 31. To be a mentor for this first event, we are asking for a commitment of 1-2 hours to help a matched innovator address their specific needs, i.e.: to de-risk the venture, how to give an effective 5 min investor pitch, startup vs. partnership, commercial opportunity, etc. These mentor/mentee sessions will take place between March 14 – March 30.

BioCT company members have access to MassBioEd’s professional training courses at a discounted member rate. Taught by experts in the field, industry courses provide individuals with the skills and knowledge to enhance career growth and cultivate a broad professional network. Courses are tailored to ensure content and format maximize interaction and engagement.

Transitioning to Leader
March 21st – March 25th (9:00 AM – 11:15 AM)

Accelerated Leadership
March 23rd – Aril 13th (9:00 AM – 12:30 PM)

Biotechnology Project Management
March 24th-April 26th (3:30 PM – 7:00 PM)

Presenting with Persuasion, Clarity, and Strength
April 18th – April 21st (2:00 PM)

From Molecule to Market, R&D and Regulatory Considerations
May 9th – May 12th (12:00 PM – 2:30 PM)