Career News – September 20, 2022 

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Career News – September 20, 2022 
Career Center
Thank you to all who attended last week’s BioCT Beer & Bioscience Mixer x Collaborative Connecticut special edition event.  We enjoyed a late summer evening with approximately 200 attendees turning out to network and sample Naples Pizza and Stony Creek craft beers.

If you are not on the invite list, and would be interested in attending a monthly, causal mixer designed for people in the innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem, please reach out to The events are free and open to all members of the community!


BioCT company members have access to MassBioEd’s professional training courses at a discounted member rate. Taught by experts in the field, industry courses provide individuals with the skills and knowledge to enhance career growth and cultivate a broad professional network. Courses are tailored to ensure content and format maximize interaction and engagement.
Presenting Technical Data and Information September 13-September 30 (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Ethics in Biopharma September 14-September 21 (11:00 AM – 3:30 PM)

Transitioning to Leader * September 14 (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Intro to Biotech * September 20-September 21 (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Accelerated Leadership September 21-October 12 (9:00 AM – 12:30 PM)

Leading in a Hybrid Work EnvironmentSeptember 27-October 11 (9:00 AM – 11:30 AM)