Congress approved a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package aimed at easing the financial strain of the pandemic, though there is still uncertainty about the amount of economic stimulus that ultimately will be passed.
What do you need to do now to start preparing for what’s to come?
Leave it to Marcum’s tax team to analyze the relief deal. Join us in the New Year for two separate sessions with the information you need to know:
We offer two separate and distinct webinars — the first is a high level overview; the second is a deeper dive into the information:
Covid Relief IV: An Overview
This is a high-level overview, with what you need to know now to start preparing for what’s to come in 2021. It is a highlight of the changes and how it affects businesses and individuals.
Michael D’Addio, Tax Principal, Marcum LLP
Andrew Finkle, Advisory Partner, Marcum LLP
Michael Maksymiw, Tax Partner, Marcum LLP
Dawn Minotas, Accounting Services Director, Marcum LLP