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The Power of Inclusive Conversations – Hosted by WEST

October 5, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Inclusive conversations are one of the most powerful tools individuals and organizations can leverage to create cultures of psychological safety and inclusion. The goal of this interactive program is to equip attendees with the necessary understanding and experience to successfully engage in this kind of dialogue. Using a framework, attendees learn how to assess when inclusive conversations are needed and how to approach them. Participants explore the factors that influence the success or failure of inclusive conversations, including culture, power dynamics and conflict styles. They also observe and critique conversation demonstrations, and they have time to practice their own conversations with real-life scenarios.

While this topic can seem daunting, my empathetic, human approach diminishes fear and increases comfort in approaching inclusive conversations.

Attendees leave the workshop with 1) a framework for inclusive conversation and 2) the confidence to initiate and receive such conversations to nurture trust, inclusion, and psychological safety.



Trish Foster is a sought-after DE&I speaker, consultant, and workshop facilitator on a mission to create more inclusive organizations for all employees. She designs strategic DE&I plans and delivers a variety of DE&I programs for organizations throughout the U.S. and internationally. Speaking engagements range from workshops and keynotes to panel discussions and moderated roundtables. Venues include major international corporations, early-stage companies, non-profits, conferences, and academic institutions, including MIT, Harvard Business School, and University of Chicago’s Booth School. She has authored numerous DE&I research reports. Topics include: elevating allyship in the workplace; inclusive culture; intersectionality; disability inclusion; mentorship and sponsorship; gender equity and more. Previously, Trish served as Executive Director of the Center for Women and Business (CWB) at Bentley University, where she led the center’s mission-driven work to create more inclusive organizations. While there, she guided strategy and thought leadership along with marketing and program development on behalf of more than 100 organizations, establishing a track record of exceptional client referrals.


October 5, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm