We spend a great deal of time at work, more than we do with our families, sleeping, or in other important parts of our lives. Many of us have invested significant resources and made sacrifices to meet our highest goals. We are living longer and working later in life too.
In this interactive webinar, we will open up the conversation to identify the strategies to help you stay on track as obstacles and opportunities show up in your careers. We will discuss the importance of maintaining your networks and the practices that strengthen relationships, serving the needs of your organization and your career growth.
Participants will complete the webinar with actionable strategies they can immediately employ in their work and life:
Tammy Gooler Loeb, author of Work from the Inside Out: Break Through Nine Common Obstacle and Design A Career That Fulfills You will offer insights from her 20+ years of experience as a career and executive coach. There will be time for Q&A.