The Governor’s Workforce Council along with Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) and BioCT are working together to establish a statewide workforce development program for the bioscience industry.
SCSU, BioCT and AdvanceCT have collaborated on the creation of a Bioscience Industry Needs Assessment Survey (BINA) to ensure that we are educating and training the talent that you need today as well as the future. The educational paths for students planning careers in bioscience are a part of the Bioscience Academic and Career Pathway (BioPath) Initiative, a partnership between SCSU and the City of New Haven.
The BINA survey is intended to secure an accurate depiction of the state of the bioscience industry, including: essential technical and soft skills for applicants and qualifications sought, favorability of internship programs, the timing of hiring needs, and more.
Once you have completed the survey, please share it with your colleagues who have input into hiring planning. The survey deadline is October 9.
Questions? Contact Peter Dimoulas,