The Transformative Potential of Gene and Cell Therapies

Guest speakers include; sickle cell warrior Luzibu Chevannes, BioCT CEO Jodie Gillon, Dr. Michael Recht of Yale Medicine, and former Wisconsin Medicaid Director Michael Heifetz.

We are looking to fill the room for the event with members of Connecticut’s bioscience community.  If you cannot attend in person, please consider attending online using the Zoom link HERE.  If you are interested in attending in person or on Zoom, please RSVP Laura Srebnik at

Time & Location:        Tuesday, September 26, 2023 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST LOB, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106 Legislative Office Building, Room 1E

In January, BioCT will also be hosting a Legislative Breakfast for life science industry leaders to convene with national, state and federal policymakers to review policy issues facing the life sciences, such as:

  • R&D tax credits
  • IRA
  • Economic growth possibilities presented by the life sciences
  • Workforce challenges and development
  • Training programs and opportunities
  • Consulting tax; equipment & education reimbursement
  • Biomakers/Genomics coverage

This meeting right before a short legislative session is a critical opportunity to get in front of policy makers as they embark on critical decisions that will have a massive impact on our industry.  We have not only the support of the Governor’s Team and the Bioscience Caucus but their full engagement. However, we can only host this meeting with the support of our community. If you are interested in sponsoring and participating in the Legislative Breakfast, please contact BioCT’s CEO, Jodie Gillon, at