Executive Women in Bio-CT recently held a panel discussion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Initiatives in Action, with panelists discussing the ways their organizations have put DE&I initiatives into practice, both internally and externally. The discussion gave rise to a number of DE&I best practices in areas such as company culture, hiring, resource groups, supply chain, clinical trials, and communications.
The discussion was chaired by Rachael Alford, Head of CMC at Rallybio and featured industry leaders, including Nicole Platzer, Global External Inclusion and Diversity Lead at AstraZeneca, and former Global Head of External Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Alexion Pharmaceuticals; Deborah Waltz, VP of Quality at SpringWorks Therapeutics; Deborah Kroeger, Senior Director of Talent Acquisition at Arvinas; and Sarah Ringuette, Executive Director of Regulatory Affairs at Biohaven Pharmaceuticals.
For highlights, click here.